How To Become A 'Disciple' of Jesus
The final thing Jesus said before he ascended to heaven was to 'go and make disciples.' But so many Christians do not know what a disciple is... and it's hard to become something when you don't know what it is. To find out how to become a disciple of Jesus, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
How To Become Great In God's Kingdom
Do you want to become great? It's a common misconception that as Christians, we're meant to lead ordinary lives. In reality, God's plan for us is extraordinary, and He even teaches us how to achieve greatness in the Bible. However, God's definition of greatness differs vastly from the world's, and that is what sets us apart. To find out more about how to become great in God's Kingdom, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
I Need A Cap
God has given us four gifts that enable us to live a full and victorious life- Salvation, The Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the people of God. In God's divine wisdom, He created us with a need for community… and while Jesus’ Church isn’t perfect, it is an incredible gift from God. To find out more about why integrating your life with other Godly believers is essential to finding your purpose and calling, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Are You Ready To Step Up?
The greatest enemy of the church of Jesus Christ in the United States is comfort... because this leads to lukewarm Christianity. Following Jesus is not about adding some of Jesus to your life, it's about laying down your whole life and submitting it to Him. This is what qualifies you to be used by God…
30 Days To Live
What would you do differently if you knew you only had 30 days to live? In a world so filled with busyness and distractions, it's easy to lose sight of the reality that we are all going to die someday... we only get one shot at life, and it's critically important that we make the most of every opportunity God gives to us.
What Is Baptism? (Sunday Message)
Many Christians are confused about baptism... What is baptism? When should I get baptized? How should I get baptized? Whether you are about to be baptized or have been baptized previously, it is critical that you understand baptism, its significance, and when/ how/ why to do this.
I Have A Choice
The Bible tells us that 'whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.' The world may call it cause & effect, karma, etc. but the truth is that whatever you sow today is what you will reap tomorrow. To find out more about how to make better choices today that will positively impact your future, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Fear of God Pt. 2
The Bible tells us that friendship with God is reserved for those who ‘Fear’ Him. Fear of God is a requirement for friendship with God and is the key to unlocking so many of God’s promises. To find out more about what the fear of God is, and how to grow in it, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Fear Of God
God loves everyone, but He is not friends with everyone. The Bible gives us specific examples of this and teaches that one thing is required for friendship with God, but we rarely (if ever) talk about it. To find out how to cultivate a close friendship of God, check out this message from Elan Church.
Testimony Sunday (July 2023)
To check out some incredible testimonies of what God has done in the lives of others, which we hope will encourage you in your own personal journey, watch this message from Elan Church.
Now Is The Time To Get Ready
Every single person encounters times of struggle, tension, and frustration. When we face these moments, we can either run from them or wrestle through them. If we allow God to work in us & refuse to give up when we face these moments, we will experience a blessing on the other side. To find out how, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Don’t Let Go (Until God Blesses You)
Every single person encounters times of struggle, tension, and frustration. When we face these moments, we can either run from them or wrestle through them. If we allow God to work in us & refuse to give up when we face these moments, we will experience a blessing on the other side. To find out how, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Break The Cycle
According to the US Surgeon General in 2023, a lack of social connection is as dangerous to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. You were not created to do life alone... You were meant to engage in what the Bible calls 'Fellowship." To find out more about how to live in fellowship with God and with others, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
The Gift Is In The Fruit
We all have spiritual gifts given by God. They are irrevocable... but the Bible is clear. We will be known by our fruit. We are in very important pivotal days, and the call to walk in step with the Holy Spirit is more important than ever. Discover how God is getting ready to use you and bless the people in your world through you in this Sunday message from Elan.
Father’s Day (2023)
God desires that all men would grow up to become good, strong, Godly men (not just boys who can shave), and in order to do this we must first know our Heavenly Father. To discover more about your Father, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Get The Stamp
Each of us was created with a need to be validated & approved… and the only One who can truly validate us is God himself, through Christ Jesus. His validation/ stamp of approval gives us power and authority. We all have a desire to make a huge impact and do great things, but we struggle with how to do this. To discover how to live a power-filled life, and receive the divine stamp of approval, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church!
Our Heart, His House (Heart For The House Sunday 2023)
You were created to be in a relationship with Jesus and to be part of His Church. But the truth is that it's easier to love Jesus than it is to love His Church. The reason for this is that Jesus is perfect, but His Church is not... and while there is no such thing as a 'perfect' church, you have an opportunity to help build a 'healthy' one. To discover more about the Church Jesus had in mind, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
The Secret Sauce To Spiritual Authority
So often we can feel like we're stuck in a rut. God never promised us this life would be easy, but He did promise that He would be with us. God's Word shows us how to get out of a rut when we get into one. Check out this message from Elan Church to find out how.
How To Receive A Full Reward
God rewards those who diligently seek Him. While you and I cannot earn our salvation from God, we absolutely CAN earn rewards from God. Find out how.