Parental Guidance
God loves us and has adopted us as His children... Because of this, He wants us to grow into maturity. Part of this involved allowing God to parent and discipline us so that we will become even more fruitful. To find out how to allow God to raise you up into maturity in Him, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
What Is A Non-Denominational Church?
What are non-denominational churches? A non-denominational church is typically characterized by its authentic & relatable approach to following Jesus.
How To Hear God’s Voice?
Want to learn how to hear the voice of God? Check out this article "6 Tips On Hearing God’s Voice" to discover more about how to hear God's voice.
How To Carry The Presence Of God
There is a significant difference between being an 'attender' of church and a 'disciple' of Jesus... and in order to become an effective disciple of Jesus, you must learn how to carry the Presence of God. To find out how to carry God's Presence, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
Who is the Holy Spirit? Why is He important, and how can we grow in our relationship with Him? In this article, we'll explore the answers to these questions and learn how to cultivate a deeper understanding and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
How To Study The Bible Like A Pastor (in 2023)
Struggling to read your Bible? Want to learn how to study the Bible? Get helpful tips & resources to help you grow in your understanding of God's Word.
Blessing Comes With A Cost
Every person wants to be blessed, but the blessing of God comes with a cost. God wants to bless you, but you must do the hard work of posturing yourself to receive it. To find out how, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Why God Hasn't Given You More
Every person wants to be blessed, but the blessing of God can become a burden if you are not ready for it. God's blessing on your life is not limited by His ability to bless you... It's limited by your ability to receive His blessing. God wants to stretch you, but He doesn't want to break you. To find out how to prepare yourself to receive God's blessing, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
Three Enemies That Will Keep You Out Of God's Promise
There are three enemies that constantly work to keep you out of God's promise in your life, and it's critical that you learn how to overcome these. To find out more about how to step into the full promise of God, check out this message from Elan Church.
Easter Sunday (2023)
The Easter story is the most significant moment in history. Because of what Jesus has done, you and I can receive forgiveness for our past, a fresh start today, and hope for the future. To find out more about Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, as well as what our response to Jesus should be as a result, check out this message from Elan Church.
Good Friday: Why We Celebrate Jesus' Death
Anytime you go to a funeral there are tears, mourning, and sadness... So why do Christians celebrate Good Friday (the day devoted to remembering Jesus' death)? To find out more about Good Friday, and Jesus' death is celebrated all around the world, check out this message from Elan Church.
Why Palm Sunday Matters
What is Palm Sunday? Why does it matter? The people went from wanting to crown Jesus king to killing Him just a few days later... and there's a reason why. It is incredibly important to the Easter story that we understand why and how this impacts our lives today. To find out why Palm Sunday matters, check out this message from Elan Church.
Breaking Strongholds (A Prelude)
Every single person is held back by something. It could be a bad habit, addiction, destructive mindset, generational curse, or another type of struggle, but it does not have to stay this way. God has given you the authority to break strongholds, but you need to exercise this authority. To find out more about how to break the strongholds of the enemy, check out this message from Elan Church.
Breaking Strongholds
Every single person is held back by something. It could be a bad habit, addiction, destructive mindset, generational curse, or another type of struggle, but it does not have to stay this way. God has given you the authority to break strongholds, but you need to exercise this authority. To find out more about how to break the strongholds of the enemy, check out this message from Elan Church.
A House That Looks Like Heaven
You were created to be in a relationship with Jesus and to be an active part of the 'Body of Christ (which is Jesus' Church). Because of this, it's incredibly important that we learn how to become a healthy part of Jesus' Church. To find out more about how to be part of a church that looks like heaven, check out this message from Elan Church.
How Hungry Are You?
Many people today are talking about revival... But what is revival and how can we experience it? While there is no formula to guarantee God shows up, there are specific markers of revival and a heart posture that exists when the intensity of the Holy Spirit is increased. To find out more about Christian revival, and how to position yourself to encounter more of Jesus, check out this message from Elan Church.
Testimony Sunday (2023)
To hear some incredible testimonies of what God has done and to understand more about how you too can share your testimony with others, check out this Sunday message from Elan Church.
There Is A City Beyond That Vine
God’s purpose is not always your preference. It is so easy to choose comfort over calling and settle for a life that’s easy rather than a life that’s significant. In this message, special guest Pastor Ryan Brown shared a message from the book of Jonah and encouraged us to step out of our comfort zone and into the will of God.
How To Live A Blessed Life
Blessing is not about what you have, it's about who you have. You can be blessed in every season of life- the highs, the lows, and everything in between. To discover more about how to live a life blessed by God, check out this message from Elan Church.
Vision Sunday Part 2 (2023)
Vision Sunday is a special time once a year when we lay out the vision God has given for the next year ahead. Check out this video from Elan Church to find out more about what we believe God is going to do in Elan Church, and in your life personally, over this next year.