Are You Anointed or Just Gifted?
With the anointing comes supernatural empowerment by the Holy Spirit... but how do we get the anointing? Far too often, we confuse gifting with anointing, and there is a huge difference between the two. If you want to see God's purposes accomplished in & through your life, you need His anointing. If you want to position yourself for greater anointing, check out this message from Elan Church.
Are you a Priest or a Spectator?
If you are in a relationship with Jesus, you are part of His 'holy priesthood' (1 Peter 2:5). And this priesthood requires that we learn how to offer God 'spiritual sacrifices' that are holy and acceptable to Him. If you want to understand more about the mandate God has given you as a Holy Spirit-filled, modern-day priest, then check out this message from Elan Church.
Are you a Christian or a Christian Buddhist?
Healthy relationships require us to focus on the other person's preferences, not just our own, and our relationship with God is no different. Worship requires us to focus on God's preferences (not ours) because worship on our own terms is not acceptable and will be rejected. This means it is critical that we worship God His way or the cost will be the loss of His Presence, and nothing is worth that... To find out more, check out this message from Elan Church.
My boundaries, my responsibility
Daniel was a prophet who refused to compromise. Regardless of how he was pressured, he remained faithful. If you want to learn how to build your relationship with God & set the right boundaries in your life that will keep you from compromising, then check out this message from Elan Church.
My health, my responsibility
God has given us a 'great co-mission.' He has a part to play, and we have a part to play. And part of this includes stewarding the body & the spirit that God has given to us. The truth is that you are not your own... You are responsible to God for how you steward what He has given to you. To discover more about how to steward the body and spirit God has given you, check out this message from Elan Church.
My honor, my responsibility
Without honor, even Jesus could do no miracles (Mark 6:5). If you want to see the power of God move miraculously in & through your life, it is essential to cultivate a heart of honor. And honor works 360° (those above us in authority, our peers, and those God has entrusted to our care). To find out how to create a heart that honors God and honors others, where the miraculous power of God is at work, check out this message from Elan Church.
My worship, my responsibility
Do you have your own revelation of Jesus, or are you living off someone else's? Spiritual authority comes from your own personal revelation of Jesus, and the time that you spend with Him. You cannot piggyback on someone else's spiritual authority... You need to have your own. To gain a better understanding of how to worship Jesus and how to build your own spiritual authority, check out this message from Elan Church.
My church, my responsibility
Are you a consumer or a servant? If you approach Jesus & His Church the same way you approach a shopping experience, you will inevitably be frustrated... That's because The Church was never meant to be something we ATTEND, it was designed to be something we ARE. To understand more about Jesus, His Church, and how we find our place in it in a healthy way, check out this message from Elan Church.
The Heart of the Church. The Heart of Me.
Why does the church exist?... and what should our response be?
How To Be A Great Steward Of God's Money
Most Americans don't handle money well... and as a result, 6 out of 10 Americans are only one missed paycheck away from being broke. But God never intended for us to live this way. He wants to bless us so that we can be a blessing to others, yet many of us are not yet experiencing this in its fullness. If you want to learn how to manage God's money well and see His blessing in this area of your life, check out this message from Elan Church.
Is God first in my life?
Most Americans don't handle money well... and as a result, 6 out of 10 Americans are only one missed paycheck away from being broke. But God never intended for us to live this way. He wants to bless us so that we can be a blessing to others, yet many of us are not yet experiencing this in its fullness. If you want to learn how to put God first in your life (including your finances) and see God's blessing in every area of your life, check out this message from Elan Church.
How do I find purpose in my job?
The average person spends 1/2 of their awake time at work. But few of us are experiencing the fullness God intended for in our workplace. If you want to understand how to make the most of the work God has entrusted to you and find a new level of purpose & meaning in your workplace, check out this message from Elan Church.
How to steward a healthy community
All of us want the benefits of a healthy community around us, but few of us are willing to pay the price it takes to actually build it. If you want to begin the journey of building a healthy church community around you, check out this message from Elan Church.
Can I be a better steward of the life God has given me?
At the end of our life, we are either going to hear 'Well done, good and faithful servant' or we are going to hear something else... If you want to become a better steward of the life God has given you, check out this message from Elan Church on the 'Parable of the Talents' to help you make the most of the life God has given you.
Easter At Elan Church in Naperville, IL
If you are looking for an Easter service in Naperville, IL or an Easter service in Chicago, check out Elan Church is a nondenominational church in Naperville, IL with a passion to worship Jesus and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
Also, feel free to check out the Elan Church social links page to find your next step.
Elan Church Content Guide
Check out the Elan Church content guide, including a table of contents for past messages and helpful resources from Elan Church.
Christmas At Elan Church in Naperville, IL
If you are looking for Christmas services in Naperville, IL, or a Christmas service near me, check out
Elan Church is a nondenominational church in Naperville, IL with a passion to worship Jesus and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.